Speak Up

During my second ever job interview, for a part time job in college, I was sweating. It was really muggy outside but I also really wanted the job. The woman who would be my boss had a good vibe and her home office was like an oasis in the hot summertime. Toward the end of the interview, she asked: “Do you have any other experience?”

I paused. I did have some but was hesitant to share it.

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You lost a Backstreet Boy!

There is a great scene in the movie America’s Sweethearts where Billy Crystal’s character, Lee, is astonished by the weight loss of Julia Robert’s character. She has lost 60 pounds. He throws his arms and says, “That’s a Backstreet Boy!”

Well, starting in February of 2006 I set out to lose close to that amount. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I knew it was time. Continue reading “You lost a Backstreet Boy!”

Create Your Own Dream Board

The most important thing you can do to live your dreams is the practice of visualizing them every day. Without a visual representation of the things you want most in life, you are at risk of losing sight of your goals.

Dream Boards, or Vision Boards, are essential in creating a daily reminder of the things you want to accomplish. If you’re interested in how to create your very own dream board, read on!

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Are you a Purple Cow?

Purple Cow is another instant Seth Godin classic.

The book discusses the importance of making your product or service remarkable. It reads like the series of thought-provoking blog entries it likely emerged from. (Find Seth Godin’s blog here)

Being remarkable has been on my mind lately. As a blogger working on multiple projects, I have to ask myself: Do I want this blog to be popular? What steps do I need to take? Can I really make this special to stand out from all the 5+ million blogs currently being published?

Continue reading “Are you a Purple Cow?”